Now in its fourth edition, this paperback continues to evolve smoothly, keeping
up with changes in S–PLUS and its underlying language, S. The publication
of this edition corresponds with the release of S–PLUS version 7. First
published in 1997, this is the book that I recommend most often for beginning
users of the software. The authors are careful to point out differences between
UNIX and Windows versions of S–PLUS. Although the book’s primary focus
is on command-line usage (as it should be), the treatment of the graphic user
interface (GUI) has improved for bothWindows and UNIX/LINUX implementations.
The book contains more than four dozen screen shots of the S–PLUS
GUI, along with step-by-step instructions on how to perform common tasks
through the GUI. The occasional S–PLUS user would most likely benefit from
the chapter titled “Tips and Tricks.” The book does a good job incorporating
the new functions introduced in version 7, as well as mentioning those features
that are included only in the “Enterprise Developer” edition of the software.
As primarily an R user, I most appreciate the final chapter, which covers the
differences between R and S–PLUS. If you own a first or second edition of this
book, I recommend updating to the fourth edition.
University of Missouri–Columbia
In: Journal of the American Statistical Association, September 2006, p. 1320